October 4, 2015
The new LPs are ready to ship!
Musette A Cosmic Serenade (Häpna H.53)
Oren Ambarchi & Johan Berthling Tongue Tied (Häpna H.55)
A string of Tape-related activities coming up!

Tape Fest Tokyo,
8 & 9 October, a 2-day festival at Super Deluxe, Tokyo curated by Tape, then two concerts in Kobe (Guggenheim House) and Kyoto (Kinse Ryokan) with long-time friends Tenniscoats on
11 & 12 October.

Tape Fest Stockholm
21 & 22 October, a 2-day event held at Rönnells where all income goes to UNHCR and their work to help refugees across Europe.
The day after,
23 October, Tape play Insomnia Festival in Tromsø, Norway.
August 25, 2015
Two new LPs coming this autumn: 1) Tongue Tied by Oren Ambarchi & Johan Berthling, and 2) A Cosmic Serenade by Musette. More info and mp3s soon!
Musette will have a release concert at Fylkingen, Stockholm, this Friday (29 August). Live this evening:
21.00 Hans Appelqvist
22.00 Directorsound (UK)
23.00 Musette
More details here. Welcome!
August 25, 2014
Casino, the new Tape CD/LP, is ready to ship! Don't miss the launch concerts (dates below).
There's also a
t-shirt available in sizes S/M/L (red only) for 200 SEK (22 Euro) + shipping.
June 24, 2014
The new Tape album Casino will be out in late august. Available on CD and LP/download.
Launch concerts:
29 Aug Rönnells Antikvariat, Stockholm
31 Aug Café OTO, London
European tour in Nov.
Watch the video for Craps
Follow them on Facebook!
The Time Is a Mountain LP is repressed and ready to ship.
January 27, 2014
New release!
Dashes to Dashes by Boots Brown (Mats Gustafsson, David Stackenäs, Magnus Broo and Johan Berthling). LP only (brown vinyl + wavs) - now ready to ship!
Time is a Mountain will open on the following dates for Mariam The Believer during her European tour:
7 Feb - Nefertiti - Göteborg, SE
15 Feb - Exit07 - Luxembourg, LU
16 Feb - Paradiso - Amsterdam, NL
19 Feb - Elektrowerkz - London, UK
24 Feb - Privatclub - Berlin, DE
26 Feb - MUZ Club - Nürnberg, DE
27 Feb - Club Manufaktur - Schorndorf, DE
3 Mar - Hafen 2 - Ofenbach, DE
4 Mar - Aalhous - Hamburg, DE
The Time Is a Mountain LP made it to the 50 Records of 2013 in MOJO. It's been sold out but will be repressed on white vinyl (300 copies). Will ship in about 2 weeks.
During the fall, the music of Sagor & Swing has been heard in two episodes of HBOs Eastbound & Down.
Follow us on Facebook for slightly more regular updates...
October 29, 2013
Sagor & Swing plays at Rönnells Antikvariat in Stockholm this Thursday (31 Oct). At 19 hours, 80 SEK. Häpna records and antiquarian books for sale.
May 16, 2013
The first Sagor & Swing album in ten years is ready to ship. Botvid Grenlunds park, LP + wav-download. 500 copies. Feels great!
April 17, 2013
Time Is a Mountain is released! LP + free downloads (wav-files). 300 copies made.
February 21, 2013
Häpna på Rönnells
26 Feb
Boots Brown
Mariam The Believer
26 March
John Chantler (AUS/UK)
Time Is a Mountain
Two albums coming this spring (March / April):
H.49 - Time Is a Mountain (Tomas Hallonsten, Johan Berthling & Andreas Werliin)
H.50 - Sagor & Swing - Botvid Grenlunds park
Both on LP+download (wavs)
January 30, 2012
Don't miss the release of Musette's "Drape Me in Velvet" at Strand, Stockholm, on Wednesday (
info here)! Musette will play at 21.00 hours.
"Papa's Ear" by Tenniscoats was released last week!
The album with Hans Appelqvist, "Sjunga slutet nu", is nominated for the
Manifest price (the gala is taking place on February 3). When summing up 2011, this album had received the
highest rating from Swedish media of all albums coming out in 2011 - quite fantastic!
Follow us on Facebook!
November 23, 2011
The new album by Hans Appelqvist "Sjunga slutet nu" is available from us today! See the Order section on how to order. It's released to shops in Scandinavia and digitally worldwide on November 30. The first reviews have been fantastic: 5/5 in DN, 9/10 in Sonic, 4/5 in G-P!
November 8, 2011
Don't miss the concerts with Hans Appelqvist and Tape on the second evening at Rönnells Antikvariat on Thursday!
It will also be a pre-release evening for Appelqvist's new album
Sjunga slutet nu, released later in November (the CD will be for sale). Mp3s available in the downloads section.
October 1, 2011
No stasis under the surface!
On two evenings this fall, there will be concerts in cooperation with Rönnells Antikvariat. The dates and bands are:
9 October (Sunday): Tenniscoats and Musette
10 November (Thursday): Hans Appelqvist and Tape
Text in Swedish:
I höst inleder Rönnells Antikvariat och skivbolaget Häpna ett samarbete med två konsertkvällar. Den andra kvällen blir torsdagen den 10 november, då med Stockholmstrion Tape, som strax åker på turné med japanska Tenniscoats, och Hans Appelqvist, båda aktuella med ny skiva på Häpna i höst.
I samband med konsertkvällarna arrangerar Rönnells en utställning med Klas Augustssons omslagskonst och affischer för Häpna. Häpna har funnits sedan 1999 och drivs av Klas Augustsson och Johan Berthling. Katalogen innehåller 45 album med artister såsom Tape, Hans Appelqvist, Anna Järvinen och Eric Malmberg. De har även arrangerat festivaler på Fylkingen och i Botkyrka Konsthall.
Also under production and scheduled for release this fall are albums with Hans Appelqvist, Musette and Tenniscoats.
May 11, 2011
The debut album of Ohayo is released! And - Oj!! - Häpna is on Facebook! From now on, we will use this page for news &c instead of the dormant Vakna! newsletter.
April 18, 2011
We're proud to present the debut album of Ohayo. This new band features Johan Berthling from Tape, Andreas Söderström known for making music under his alias ASS and drummer Per Eklund. The CD will be released on the 10th of May and a vinyl version to follow in August on Häpna / Immune.
They will play their first gig ever this week at the Rojo Novo Festival in Rio de Janeiro with drummer Ola Hultgren.
March 2, 2011
Revelationes, the new long awaited album by Tape, is released next week, on March 7. It's available on CD and LP (the LP is a split release with American label Immune). More info soon!
November 1, 2010
Our friends Tenniscoats will be in Stockholm for a week in November to record a new album. They will do a show at Strand at Hornstull on Friday the 12th of Nov. Don't miss - it's free! Also shows in Helsinki and Estonia the following week.
September 9, 2010
We are working with new releases - first up is Revelationes by Tape. Coming late fall...
August 29, 2010
The sale ends next Sunday, the 5th September!
May 24, 2010
We're back after a break! Check out our sale - see the main page!
Tape are playing some shows - see their myspace page. There's a special event at Strand in Stockholm on the 30th of may with Tape, Hans Appelqvist and ASS.
May 6, 2009
This friday (the 8th) Anna's exhibition of drawings called My My How Can I Resist You opens. It starts at 17.30, Kocksgatan 17 Herrekipering. The exhibition lasts until the 29th of May. Welcome!
Here are Anna's live dates:
2009-05-07 - Katalin, Uppsala
2009-05-27 - Victoria Scene, Oslo, Norge
2009-05-28 - Tavastia, Helsingfors, Finland
2009-06-06 - Lokomotivet, Eskilstuna, Eskilstuna 350 år
2009-06-07 - Under Eken, Stockholm
2009-07-17 - Ilosaarirock, Joensuu
2009-08-01 - Storsjöyran (Teatersalongen), Östersund
2009-08-17 - Malmöfestivalen, Malmö
March 11, 2009.
All info on Anna´s album regarding promotion, booking, press pictures and pre-order is now on the Häpna start page. För fullt genomslag!
January 19, 2009
It´s been a while but we have some news for you.
Anna Järvinen´s new album "Man var bland molnen" will be released on the 23rd of march in Sweden and 25th of march in the other Nordic countries. The first single - "Äppelöga" is available for free download here and now.
This fantastic follow up to her 2007 debut " Jag fick feeling" is produced and recorded by Gustav Ejstes from Dungen. Reine Fiske and Johan Holmegard from Dungen also participates together with Mattias Bergqvist, Fredrik Swahn, Leo Svensson and Anders Nygårds.
Shows are planned for Sweden and Finland in april/may.
December 2, 2008
Tenniscoats & Tape split vinyl 7"! Listen and download the tracks for free here. Released in conjunction with their Japan tour in October but now also available from us and Dotshop.se. A new album with Anna Järvinen is in preparation for release in March 2009. Produced and recorded by Gustav Ejstes from Dungen. More info to come.
Our friends at club Ugglan has moved to a new and nice place; Hornstulls Strand. Check out the program here. Among the highlights is Matti Bye´s premiere gig for his album "Drömt" on December 10th.
May 7, 2008
Today Luminarium is released! This is the first studio album by Tape since Rideau in 2005. Lumiarium was recorded in their newly built Summa studio. There is a free mp3 in the downloads section as usual - listen!.
During the exhibition "Tipsa en vän" at Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm (30 april - -8 june)
Häpna and their artists choose music from records, 5 wednesdays between 20h-22h.
7 May - Magnus Granberg (Sheriff)
14 May - Hans Appelqvist
21 May - Eric Malmberg
28 May - Johan Berthling (Häpna, Tape)
4 June - Linn Persson (Häpna)
See the full program here: http://www.bonnierskonsthall.se/sv/Konst/Konst/Utstallningar/Tipsaenvan/
Ugglan - Festivalen II, 15-17 May 2008 at Mosebacke, Stockholm!
15 May
21.00 Stefano Pilia (Ita)
22.00 Tape meets Bill Wells (Sco)
23.00 Lau Nau (Fin)
24.00 Andrea Belfi (Ita)
Text / readings
Johannes Heldén
Kennet Klemets
Marie Silkeberg
16 May
21.00 Christine Sehnaoui Solo (Libanon)
22.00 Hans Appelqvist
23.00 Heikki (Haapalainen/Eriksson)
24.00 Träd, Gräs & Stenar
17 May
21.00 Rock Out
22.00 Christine Sehnaoui Quartz
23.00 Life On Earth (Subliminal Sounds)
24.00 James Blackshaw (UK)
See www.myspace.com/ugglanmusik & www.mosebacke.se for more info!
DJ's Linniverse, Connyland, Stefan Kery & RecordsFromTheSevenWoods.
April 16, 2008
Opera Plus and Milieu Plus are released! Free sample mp3s in the downloads section...
April 4, 2008
Opera Plus and Milieu Plus is released on April 16! The new album Luminarium a little later, on May 7.
Tape will do concerts in April and May. See their Myspace-page!
Anna Järvinen has a new single and video out, Kom hem. Watch the video here! She is playing lots of concerts this spring - dates here.
February 22, 2008
In late March, two reissues of sold-out Tape albums will be released: Opera Plus and Milieu Plus. These will include extra tracks from the original sessions. Later, in April, the new Tape album Luminarium will be released. There will also be a vinyl split single with Tenniscoats and Tape in March.
The CD with Oren Ambarchi and Johan Berthling (My Days...) is now sold out! CDs that are almost sold-out: Hans Appelqvist Sifantin och mörkret (30 copies left), Pillow Three Henries (30 copies left), Ronnie Sundin's book The History... (20 copies left).
January 7, 2008
Happy new year, everyone!
We are looking forward to the Ugglan festival at Mosebacke, 9-12 January! Many great bands will play, including Eric Malmberg and Anna Järvinen. DJs, opening hours 19-02, 100 SEK / day, age 20. The program:
20.00 Jean-Louis Huhta
21.00 Blood Music
22.00 ASS
23.00 Anna Järvinen
20.00 Boots Brown
21.00 Eric Malmberg
22.00 The Amazing
23.00 Wildbirds & Peacedrums
20.00 Library Tapes
21.00 Idiot Kid
22.00 Strountes/strunt (Mats Gustafsson & Maria Eriksson)
23.00 Voice Of The 7 Woods
20.00 Folke
21.00 The Tiny
22.00 TukTuk
23.00 Santa Maria
24.00 Dante Kinnunen
Tape will play at an event called Art's Birthday on Thursday 17 January at Moderna Museet, Skeppsholmen, Stockholm. Free entrance, open 19-24.
December 10, 2007
Don't miss Anna on Kägelbanan this Wednesday! And vote for Anna in the Grammis categories Årets kvinnliga artist and Årets nykomling!
November 19, 2007
Islaja, Anna Järvinen, Erik Enocksson and Musette visit Botkyrka Konsthall on 1 December. See the info page!
November 6, 2007
Tomorrow we release Tenniscoats beautiful album Tan-Tan Therapy! Musicians from Tape and Ass have contributed with arrangements and plays on the record. Download a track in the Downloads section or read Saya's comments on the album!
October 19, 2007
Don't miss Anna on Nyhetsmorgon on TV4 tomorrow (Saturday 20th)! She also plays at Debaser Medis later the same day.
Here are some Anna tour dates for the fall:
15 nov - Norrköping, Crescendo/Konsert Republik
20 nov - Uppsala, Katalin
22 nov - Eskilstuna, Kåren
23 nov - Göteborg, Pustervik/Slippery People
24 nov - Malmö, KB
29 nov - Helsingborg, Dunkers Kulturhus/Klubb Hamster
1 dec - Häpna i Botkyrka Konsthall
12 dec - Stockholm, Kägelbanan
13 dec - Linköping, Herrgår’n/John Doe
October 3, 2007
Today Anna Järvinen's Jag fick feeling is released in Sweden. The album has created quite a stir, to say the least. We're very happy about it! You can buy it in good record shops, through our distributor Dotshop.se, or through us. It's also available for download at Klicktrack for 55 SEK (about 6 Euro). Anna will play around Sweden soon - check her Myspace page for dates. She's booked through Luger (robin -at- luger.se).
Don't miss the release concert on Saturday the 6th! It's at Teater Scenario, Hantverkargatan 78, Stockholm. Free entrance, bar, records. Open from 20 to 01.
See the video to Götgatan, made by Fredrik Wenzel, responsible for the script and photography for the critically acclaimed movie Farväl Falkenberg. More news soon!
September 19, 2007
Press pictures of Anna Järvinen and A Taste of Ra (Nicolai Dunger) are available in the Artists section.
September 17, 2007
Morning of My Life is released this week, on the 19th.
Anna Järvinen's Jag fick feeling is released on October the 3rd. The release is on Teater Scenario on the following Saturday, the 6th. More info later.
The concert evening in Botkyrka is postponed to November or December. More info later in the fall.
August 29, 2007
Welcome to the release of Eric Malmberg's Verklighet & Beat at Landet, Monday the 3rd September. It's free and open 19-00 (the consert starts about 21). Goran Kajfes, Cecilia Österholm, Lars Skoglund and Johan Berthling will be in the band this night.
August 20, 2007
An action-packed fall is coming up. On September 12 is the new album with Eric Malmberg released. It's called Verklighet & Beat and features musicians like Goran Kajfes and the legendary Bo Hansson. By including horn and string arrangements it's definitely a different experience from his previous records. Listen to Till minne av Lilly Lindström and Finalen.
A week later, it's time to bang on the drum again. The final installment in Nicolai Dunger's A Taste of Ra trilogy, named Morning of My Life, is released on September 19. Also a large scale project, this album features an ensemble of about 15 musicians. Like a shadow out of time, this will terrify and please. Listen to an excerpt.
Later in October: 1) Anna Järvinen - Jag fick feeling 2) Tenniscoats - Tan Tan Therapy 3) Häpna in Botkyrka again, on Saturday October 13. More info later...
For live dates of Häpna artists, see the Myspace pages of Anna, Tape (Japan tour soon), Eric and Hans.
May 8, 2007
Two new CDs are released today, both excellent in their own ways: the first one is a drone journey with bagpipe, sho and electronics called Amazing Daze by Marcus Schmickler with Hayden Chisholm (MS records sometimes as Pluramon; he has produced and recorded Tape's Rideau CD and visited our Häpna Festival in Stockholm 2004) - the second CD is Sifantin och mörkret by Hans Appelqvist - at his best.
The Malmberg CD is postponed until August/September.
April 19, 2007
Here is the schedule for the festival in Botkyrka konsthall this weekend. Doors open at 15.
Hans Appelqvist
Short break
Eric Malmberg
We will sell records and t-shirts, and there will be food and a bar. Closing time 22. Welcome!
March 28, 2007
1. The book by Ronnie Sundin, The History of Electronic Music, is ready to ship. It's printed in 300 copies and costs 200 SEK (22 Euro) including shipping worldwide. The book is a collaboration with noCUBE.
2. Don't miss Hans Appelqvist on Musikbyrån (Swedish TV) this friday. A video made by Andreas Nilsson (The Knife, Jose Gonzalez, Soundtrack of our Lives) which is to be included on the new record Sifantin och mörkret is also shown.
3. On April 21, there will be a one-day festival called Häpna i Botkyrka konsthall. Tenniscoats (Japan), Tape, Eric Malmberg and Hans Appelqvist will play. The day is a collaboration with Botkyrka konsthall. It starts at 15.00 and costs 40 SEK.
4. New records coming within a month or so:
Marcus Schmickler with Hayden Chisholm: Amazing Daze
Eric Malmberg: Verklighet & beat
Hans Appelqvist: Sifantin och mörkret
March 5, 2007
Some dates for Hans Appelqvist:
7 Mar 20.00 Saltsjöbanan, Stockholm
23 Mar 20.00 Netwerk / Center for Contemporary Art, Aalst, Belgium
28 Mar 19.00 Södra Teatern, Stockholm (with Nicolai Dunger)
30 Mar 20.00 Zentrale Randlage, Berlin
7 Apr 20.00 Ugglan, Stockholm CANCELLED
10 May Norrandsoperan, Umeå
11 May LAB, Copenhagen
30 Aug Punkt 07, Kristiansand
See also a video to http://www.naimachat.se made by Hans (find it in the downloads section). Later this spring there will be an new EP with Hans -more info on this later...
February 13, 2007
Eric Malmberg will play support act to Santa Maria (The Concretes) on some of her shows, as well as playing in her band. The line up will be E.M. on organ, Lars Skoglund on drums and Johan Berthling on bass. They will play songs from the upcoming Eric Malmberg album "Verklighet & beat" (coming this spring on Häpna).
15/2 Konsert Republik, Crescendo, Norrköping
17/2 Pusterviksbaren, Göteborg
See also his myspace page and his comics page (in Swedish) where his comic strips about Hansson & Karlsson are for sale.
February 5, 2007
A video of Naimamelodin made by Hans Appelqvist is up, see the downloads page!
New releases in March: Amazing Daze by Marcus Schmickler and a book by Ronnie Sundin, The History of Electronic Music. The latter is a cooperation with noCUBE.
The new office is still messy...
December 5, 2006
The former Häpna office is in boxes. The new address will be
Pipersgatan 12
SE-112 24 Stockholm
Hopefully we will be fully operational in a week or two.
A short note about demos. Thanks for sending us music! We listen to everything but we don't have time to email the sender back with comments and feedback. It's unfortunate but right now there is nothing we can do about it... Silence doesn't mean that we don't like the music!
November 13, 2006
On Saturday the 18th November, Giuseppe Ielasi and Anders Dahl will play at Ugglan, Närkesgatan 6 in Stockholm. Open 19-01 hours.
October 28, 2006
Info and a mp3 from Naima is up.
October 23, 2006
Hans Appelqvist's Naima is slightly delayed - the new release date is November 6.
October 6, 2006
The new A Taste of Ra CD have been released! Info and mp3 are available.
Don't miss Tape, Tenniscoats and Ass if they play in a town near you; see the previous post for details.
September 21, 2006
A new CD by Italian Andrea Belfi called Between Neck & Stomach is released and ready to ship. Info and a mp3 is available on the site!
Later this month, a new A Taste of Ra CD is beholding the light of day.
We are also working on Naima, the new album with Hans Appelqvist. Listen on some of the tracks on Naima's myspace page. Hans Appelqvist will perform at the first Sonar Tokyo Festival 7-8 October, see more info about this on his Sweden Sounds page.
We have a new distributor in Scandinavia, Dotshop!
- - - - -
Häpna night at Ugglan in Stockholm September 29.
Verona based Andrea Belfi will play at Ugglan on friday 29 September alongside his fellow Italians 3/4HadBeenEliminated, who also released their latest record with us. A chance to hear some of the most interesting Italian music. Their whole tour schedule to be found at http://www.shiftingposition.org
DJ Johan Berthling / Häpna.
- - - - -
Tape will do a European tour together with Japanese duo Tenniscoats & Swedish Ass in October.
Sep 30, Kulturnatten, Norrköping, S
Oct 3, Ugglan, Stockholm, S
Oct 4, Ugglan, Stockholm, S
Oct 5, Nefertiti, Gothenburg, S
Oct 6, Landmark (Bergen Kunsthall), Bergen, N
Oct 7, Spasibar, Oslo, N
Oct 9, TBA, Malmö S
Oct 10, Huset / Magstraede / Rumraket, Copenhagen, DK
Oct 11, TBA, Århus, DK
Oct 13, Vrijhaven, Den Haag, NL
Oct 14, Netwerk, Aalst, B
Oct 15, Worm, Rotterdam, NL
Oct 16, Extrapool, Nijmegen, NL
Oct 17, Divan du Monde, Paris, F
Oct 20, Cuba, Munster, D
Oct 21, Ausland, Berlin, D
Still a couple more dates to be confirmed. See http://www.myspace.com/tapesthlm
for updates.
Tenniscoats consists of Saya on vocals and keyboards and Ueno on guitar and saxophone. They make their own brilliant mix of pop and experimentalism and are also members of the Maher Shala Hash Baz collective. They were featured in a episode of MTV´s This is our music. Two Tenniscoats songs: takemehome.mp3, mycarisburning.mp3
http://www.tenniscoats.com, http://www.myspace.com/tenniscoats
Ass is Andreas Söderström's solo venture. He's one of STHLM:s busiest musicians and plays with Jenny Wilson, Blood Music, Pallin and as an extra livemember w. Tape. Andreas will soon release his debut album on Headspin Recordings.
Listen to him here: http://www.myspace.com/assmyass
Both Häpna and Tape has myspace pages up now:
- - - - -
Our newsletter Vakna! works pretty badly at the moment - we will sort this out soon.
May 18th 2006
Spring is here and so are two new Häpna records.
Swede Anders Dahl´s debut recording and Giuseppe Ileasi´s
second for Häpna. We´re proud of both. Listen to what they
sound like
on their pages under Releases.
We´ve been short on personnel for a while due to vacations,
tours etc. But we promise a change! Thanks for your patience.
Tape ´s been keeping themselves busy w. a tour of Japan and
Taiwan in March.
Recordings were made with the electroacoustic quartet Minamo in Tokyo
that hopefully will result into something.
After that - a trip to Scotland for gigs and an onstage collaboration
w. Bill Wells.
Check their site http://www.tape.se
for upcoming dates in the U.K and Italy.
3/4HadBeenEliminated have an upcoming tour of Europe for september.
Check their page for http://www.shiftingposition.org
for live dates
and great reviews of their album "The year of the aural gauge
operation" on
Upcoming Häpna releases for the fall are records with Andrea
Belfi, A Taste of Ra
and Hans Appelqvist.
A lot of demos come to our office. We listen to everything but please
that we cannot answer everyone. If we like what we hear we´ll get
in touch. For sure.
Anyone passing through Stockholm be sure to visit Ugglan, a club that
in quite short time
now boasts with the most interesting program in our country. http://www.ugglan.info/
March 3, 2006
Correct CDs with Toshiya Tsunoda (Ridge of Undulation) are
now available. Milieu by Tape has sold out (we will probably print new
ones in the future).
December 19, 2005
There is an error on the early copies of the new Tsunoda CD -
it is a two sec loop on track 2 from about 1 min to 1.40 min. We will
press new CDs, and they will be available in January. Everyone who has
bought an erroneous copy can send it to us and get a correct one in
return. Address: Häpna / Hagagatan 46 / S-113 47 Stockholm /
Sweden. Distribution of the CD is stopped until we have the correct
ones. Sorry about this!
December 13, 2005
Toshiya Tsunoda's Ridge of Undulation and
3/4HadBeenEliminated's A year of the aural gauge operation is released.
More info and mp3's at the albums info page!
December 2, 2005
All Häpna CDs are available for download at Klicktrack for
5.50 Euro / CD ("definitivt 50 spänn"). All mp3s are of high
quality (192 kbit/s or more, VBR) without copy protection.
The Tsunoda CD and 3/4HadBeenEliminated CD are ready to ship next week.
More info soon!
On Saturday (December 3rd) at 20 hours, there is a concert at
Konstakuten (Stockholm) with Piana, Keiichi Sugimoto, Mokira and Tape. More info about the evening and the
OTO project.
October 7, 2005
From October 1st we are distributed by Border in Sweden and the other
Scandinavian contries. If you can't find our CDs in your local store -
ask them to order the CDs from Border!
The new Tape CD is released October 24th - more info soon!
And if you're in Stockholm, don't miss Hans Appelqvist and Eric
Malmberg with Cecilia Österholm at Klubb Kaskelot on October 15th
(21-02 hours, SEK 70, Alcazar, Nalen, David Bagares gata 15).
More live dates chez Ugglan fall 2005:
13 October - An evening with Gatu-Edvin Aronsson (Eric
20 October - Mats Gustafsson & David
Stackenäs duo
21 October - Tape (release of Rideau)
27 October - Gul 3
3 November - Blood Music (Karl-Jonas Winqvist from
First Floor Power)
17 November - Björn Yttling
August 24, 2005
Artists on the road:
9-11 September - Eric Malmberg at By Side Sidewalk,
an art festival in Umeå.
16 September - Häpna night at Nefertiti, Gothenburg.
With Hans Appelqvist & Daniel Skoglund, Tape and Eric
17 September - Tape at "Dans for Voksne", Chateau
Neuf Kino, Oslo, Norway.
July 20, 2005
Eric Malmberg live in Stockholm:
30 July at En ljummen i
gräset, Vinterviken
4 August at Ugglan Semestersabotören, Debaser
May 19, 2005
We have a new CD out called A taste of Ra. It’s free flowing
folk from one of Sweden’s most unique voices. The album is song-based
with very relaxed atmosphere. Piano, guitar and flutes blend with
percussive elements and sounds from open windows. This together with
the highly original vocals and a permitting attitude toward recording
technology make this a very special album! A little more info and mp3s
at the A taste of Ra page.
If you are in Stockholm, there is always Ugglan (address and more info
on www.ugglan.de.vu).
19 May (today) – Tape
26 May – Hans Appelqvist & Daniel Skoglund
2 June – Damo Suzuki & Skull Defekts
April 18, 2005
On thursday, 21 April, Eric Malmberg will play live
twice in Stockholm: first at Pet Sounds (at 18.00 hours) and later at
Ugglan (22.00 hours). As usual, you have to be a member if you want to
go to Ugglan - see www.lysypingwin.se/pingwin.
April 2, 2005
Tickets for the festival are now for sale at Pet Sounds and
Record Hunter (record shops in Stockholm). It takes place 15-16 April
at Fylkingen, Torkel Knutssonsgatan 4 (close to the München
brewery, T-Mariatorget), Stockholm. 120 SEK for one day, 200 SEK for
both days.
March 17, 2005
Two news:
a) Our next CD will be with Eric Malmberg (ex-Sagor & Swing). It
will be called Den gåtfulla människan and will be released
in mid-April. More info soon!
b) 15-16 April we will have a festival in Stockholm. Line-up:
Fri 15 April
Eric Malmberg
Stephan Mathieu
Jenny Wilson
Sat 16 April
El Perro del Mar
Hans Appelqvist and Daniel Skoglund
More info soon on this as well.
February 22, 2005
The two new CDs are released - find out more about them and
listen on the Free Pulse-page and the Gesine-page.
January 13, 2005
The program for Ugglan the coming weeks:
13/1 Gaffaman
20/1 Gul 3
27-28/1 Festivalen Ugglan
10/2 Oskar Schönning
10/3 Boots Brown (Mats Gustafsson, David Stackenäs, Magnus Broo,
Johan Berthling)
17/3 Ståhls Blå feat. Håkon Kornstad
December 17, 2004
The mini-CD with Hans Appelqvist, Att möta verkligheten,
is sold out. If you want a copy, try to order it from one of our
distributors (they may still have copies left in stock).
The coming two Italian CDs are scheduled for release in mid February.
December 9, 2004
Info about two live events in Stockholm:
This friday (10/12), Stephan Mathieu (live-electronics and
video) and S.L.E.M. (Andreas Berthling, Jean-Louis Huhta, Benny Nilsen,
Johan Skugge and Lars Åkerlund) will play live at Fylkingen,
Stockholm. At 19.30 hours, 80 SEK.
Next wednesday (15/12) there will be an evening with music
videos from five independent labels from Stockholm (Flora & Fauna,
Pluxemburg, Make it happen, Friendly noise and Häpna). Eric
Malmberg (unfortunately cancelled!), Autohorse and Eric Beyond
will play live and videos with Sagor & Swing, Andreas Tilliander,
Differnet, The Chrysler, Mjmpropaganda, Fibes, oh fibes!, Rigas and
Moder Jords Massiva will be shown. At Kägelbanan, Stockholm, 20-02.
These labels also sell records at the Street market 11-12 and 18-19
Dec- see www.streetinstockholm.se for more info.
December 6, 2004
Pita “Get Off” is released and ready to ship.
November 25, 2004
The release date for the Pita CD, “Get Off”, is set to 7 Dec.
Read about it and listen to a track on the Get Off-page.
Eric Malmberg’s solo CD “En skattkista längst nere på botten
av ett stort hav” (Metamusik 2002) is available for 120 SEK / 14 Euro.
November 4, 2004
The two CDs after the Pita CD are with Italian artists
Sinistri (ex-Starfuckers) and Giuseppe Ielasi. They are scheduled for
late January 2005.
The program at Ugglan, Nov-Dec
4/11 Sheriff & Gul 3
11/11 Jean-Louis Huhta & Benny Nilsen
18/11 Tema: New York (film and records from / about NY)
25/11 En/Sum + Don Cherry special
2/12 Johan Skugge
9/12 Mats Gustafsson & Magnus Granberg
16/12 Kullrusk
23/12 Christmas allstars
October 18, 2004
Don't miss the Perspectives festival in Västerås, Sweden.
21-24 October. Lots of interesting music including Sheriff, Tape, Hans
Appelqvist and Sven-Åke Johansson - see www.nyaperspektiv.se for
the whole program.
October 8, 2004
The site is undergoing minor reconstruction during October.
October 5, 2004
During October, at Ugglan:
7/10 Mokira (Andreas Tilliander)
14/10 David Stackenäs & Niklas Korsell
21/10 Hans Appelqvist
28/10 Conny & Johnny from Bob Hund
Ugglan is a weekly club at Närkesgatan 6-8, Stockholm (19-01
hours, 10-50 SEK). Register at www.lysypingwin.se/pingwin if you want
to go.
September 17, 2004
A mp3 from On Tape is up as well as several reviews of the
newest CDs. The Sheriff CD (H.4) has been reprinted and is now
available again.
In Stockholm, there will be a weekly club called Ugglan -
Musiksällskapet. On the first night, the 30th Sept, Eric Malmberg
(ex Sagor & Swing) will play. More info about the Ugglan evenings
We are working with our next CD, Get off by Pita. Release date probably
in November.
September 7, 2004
The new CD by Stephan Mathieu, On Tape, is released and is
ready to ship!
June 28, 2004
The new Patrik Torsson 3'' CD called Gästhamnar is ready
to ship. More info here.
June 13. 2004
A new 3'' CD with Patrik Torsson called Gästhamnar is
coming out very soon. It's about guest harbours on the Swedish east
coast. Listen to the track Loftahammar.
June 4, 2004
If you´re living in Sweden and want to buy a copy of
Tape - Operette (remixes of their first album Opera by David Grubbs,
Oren Ambarchi, Andreas Tilliander a.o), please get in touch with Tape
directly: johan@hapna.com.120 SEK incl. postage.
Other countries: contact www.cubicmusic.com, mail@cubicmusic.com.
May 24, 2004
Two new CDs out: Sagor & Swing - Orgelplaneten, and
Patrik Torsson - Kolväteserenader. Read more about these under
The Häpna Festival went very well - thanks to the artists, people
that helped and the great audience!
April 16, 2004
Playing times at Häpnafestivalen
Fri 23/4
21.00 BJ Nilsen
22.00 Hans Appelqvist
23.00 David Grubbs
00.00 Sagor & Swing
Sat 24/4
21.00 David Grubbs & Mats Gustafsson
22.00 Tape
23.00 Marcus Schmickler
00.00 Andreas Tilliander
A few more Tape dates:
29/4 Connected, Kulturbunker Muelheim,Cologne, Germany
Tape w. Andreas Berthling, Biosphere, Leif Elggren, CoH
29-31/7 Safe-as - Milk festival, Haugesund, Norway
April 9, 2004
David Grubbs and Tape play these dates:
19/4 Gävle, Spegeln
20/4 Västerås, Culturen
21/4 Malmö, Inkonst
22/4 Göteborg, Nefertiti
They both also play at Häpnafestivalen 23-24 April.
Preliminary playing order:
23th: BJ Nilsen, Hans Appelqvist, David Grubbs, Sagor & Swing
24th: David Grubbs & Mats Gustafsson, Tape, Marcus Schmickler,
Andreas Tilliander
As mentioned before, the festival is at Fylkingen (close to the
München brewery, T-Mariatorget) in Stockholm. Ticket is 120 SEK
one day, 200 both days.
Our two new CDs – Patrik Torsson's "Kolväteserenader" and Sagor
& Swing's "Orgelplaneten" – will be available there as well.
March 9, 2004
Lots of news due to omission to update in two months...
Two new CDs will be released in April: one with Patrik Torssoncalled Kolväteserenader (about life onboard an oil tanker), and
one with Sagor & Swing.
We will have a festival in Stockholm 23-24 April at Fylkingen. Artists
include David Grubbs, Marcus Schmickler, Mats Gustafsson, Tape,
Andreas Tilliander, Hans Appelqvist and Sagor & Swing
(release of their new CD). More info soon.
See videos and interviews with S&S and Häpna in MTV program
This is our music (Stockholm).
Oren Ambarchi & Johan Berthling:
9/3 - Stockholm / Fylkingen + BJ Nilsen
10/3 - Köpenhamn / Subotnick
11/3 - Göteborg / iDEALfestival
13/3 - Oslo, Chateau Neuf Kino / Safe As Milk
14/3 - Bergen, Landmark / Pilota
Sagor & Swing
12/3 - Stockholm / Accelerator, Mondo
19/3 - Stockholm / Accelerator, Mondo
Tape w. Aero + Anderegg
23/3 - Tape - live recording on WFMU
24/3 - Hampshire College
25/3 - Wesleyan University + David Grubbs
26/3 - Bard College
27/3 - Boston, Zeitgeist Gallery
28/3 - NYC, Tonic + David Grubbs
30/3 - Arlington, VA
31/3 - Baltimore
Tape and David Grubbs
April, Sweden, dates and places TBA
January 3, 2004
Tape will be interviewed in P3 Pop (Swedish Radio) on monday
5th at 22-23 hours. Happy new year everyone!
December 12, 2003
Mp3 and reviews of "Milieu" up.
November 20, 2003
In two weeks, the new CD with Tape called "Milieu" is
released. Some info about the CD is already under the releases page,
more will follow soon. Tape goes today on a Japan tour, We are away
from office until the 29th of this month.
October 15, 2003
Sagor & Swing has a home page, with news, discography etc
about the band: www.sagorochswing.com.
A link to the video to "In i skogen" from their second album is
available: small
file size and large
file size. More reviews of H.12 and H.13.
October 4, 2003
The new CDs are available! "Arborvitae" with Loren Connors
and David Grubbs, and "Allt hänger samman", our third CD with
Sagor & Swing. Info, mp3s and early reviews are found under
"Releases". The site has a new design.
September 23, 2003
Sagor & Swing will release their third CD "Allt hänger samman"
on Indigo (Götgatsbacken, Stockholm) on the 6th October,
21-01. Adam (Pluxus) plays records. The CD will be available there.
September 8, 2003
Two new CDs will be released in the beginning of October: the third CD
with Sagor & Swing called "Allt hänger samman", and a duo
recording of Loren Connors and David Grubbs, "Arborvitae". Listen to
the track "Grottmusik" from the coming
S&S album. More info about these CDs later.
Tape is working on their follow-up to "Opera"; release date probably in
July 3, 2003
More reviews.
June 2, 2003
The new 3'' CD with Hans Appelqvist, Att möta verkligheten, is now
available. Ordinary people, extraordinary music. See and listen on the
H.11 page. We sell it for 60 SEK (or 8 Euro), including postage.
April 4, 2003
My days are darker than your nights, the new CD with Oren Ambarchi and
Johan Berthling is released! Drone-based music with guitar and
harmonium as sound sources.
February 19, 2003
It's now possible to pay for orders with credit card (Paypal). See the
Order page for more info! The Sheriff CD is now sold out.
February 6, 2003
More reviews of Opera, live dates.
December 3, 2002
Tape has a home page, www.hapna.com/tape. More info about the group can
be found there.
November 13, 2002
We have a new CD out called Opera. It's the debut from the
trio Tape with Andreas Berthling, Johan Berthling and Tomas Hallonsten.
The music is found sounds, digital, analogue and acoustic sounds.
Listen to two tracks on the Tape page. Released in Scandinavia on nov.
25 through Amigo.
October 23, 2002
A concert wth Andreas Tilliander, Sagor & Swing, Hans Appelqvist,
The Mornings and Appareil will take place in Fylkingen, Stockholm, on Nov
2. See the live page for more info (or email us).
August 28, 2002
A video for the Sagor & Swing track "In i skogen", from the cd
Melodier & Fåglar, is under production.Hopefully finished in
early October.
Ronnie Sundin appears in STHLM on the 31st of aug. (see Live)
Pillow appeared in an article in the spring issue of Signal to Noise,
together with Town & Country and Terminal 4.
June 30, 2002
More reviews.
May 10, 2002
Sagor & Swing will play live on the radio show P3 Pop, May 13,
22.10 – 00.00.
April 30, 2002
The new Sagor & Swing CD will be released on May 11 with a
releaseparty and a concert at Backstage, Kulturhuset Stockholm. Also
performing this night is Ronnie Sundin, Blood Music and Puppet Masters
(who also releases a new12'' the same night). The night is made
together with Make it happen. An article about Ronnie Sundin and a
review of Morphei is up.
April 9, 2002
The new CD Morphei with Ronnie Sundin is released. Find out a little
bit about the record under Releases.
April 7, 2002
Häpna has a new office at Hagagatan 46 in Stockholm. (And
therefore a new adress: Häpna / Hagagatan 46 / S-11347 Stockholm /
March 14, 2002
S&S plays at Kägelbanan, Stockholm, on Mar 29
(Motorhomes plays same evening).
March 7, 2002
The new CD with Ronnie Sundin, "Morphei", will be out by the end of
March. Later (mid-April) the second record with Sagor & Swing will
be released. It will be called "Melodier och fåglar". Sagor &
Swing and Bo Hansson will be featured in SVTs Musikbyrån on Mar
15 (the spot is called Orgelorgie). We are putting together an email list
for miscellaneous information about concerts and new records. Send us
an email if you want to be added to the list! (info@hapna.com).
February 21, 2002
Sagor & Swing plays at Kafé Spegeln, Gävle, on Mar 27.
January 31, 2002
The Sagor & Swing live date in Gothenburg is moved to Feb 21. From
now on, the drummer of S&S is Ulf Möller, who played on
January 21, 2002
Sagor & Swing will play at Klubb Grotto, at Stampen, Stockholm, on
February 14. More reviews uploaded. Our next CD will be with Ronnie
Sundin and will be out in March. There is a discussion forum at
www.skunk.nu about Sagor & Swing.
January 15, 2002
Sagor & Swing plays at the Bomben fest, January 30,
Sturecompagniet, Stockholm (www.bomben.se).
January 6, 2002
Sheriff will play at the club Sekt at Nalen, Stockholm, on January 28
(21.00). Sagor & Swing will play at Gump, in Jazzhuset, Gothenborg,
on February 21, and at Gerlesborgsskolan on March 23 (also performing
this evening is Nicolai Dunger). Orgelfärger was on the
best-of-2001-lists of both Twisterella (www.twisterella.com) and Bomben
December 3, 2001
Sagor & Swing's Orgelfärger was voted the 8th best Swedish CD
of 2001 in Nöjesguiden.
December 1, 2001
Tape (A Berthling, J Berthling, T Hallonsten) plays at Crazy Wisdom
Center, December 6, Mosebacke, Stockholm (20-02, 80 SEK). Also on
stage: Aaly Trio meets Conny and Jonny from bob hund, and Dror Feiler.
October 31, 2001
Sagor & Swing will play on friday, November 2, at Tanto, Stockholm.
October 22, 2001
Our CDs are available to record stores and resellers through Amigo, our distributor in the
nordic countries. We still sell directly to customers through this web
site. More reviews were added.
September 29, 2001
Sagor & Swing will play at the Crazy Wisdom Center on Thursday Oct
4. Also on stage are Rockout with guests (Christian Falk, Johan
Berthling, Mats Gustafsson, David Stackenäs and others). Sound
installation by Hazard in Häpnarummet. DJs are C Falk and Jocke
Åhlund. 60 SEK, 20.00, Mosebacke, Stockholm.
September 16, 2001
Swedish critic Andres Lokko puts S & S on 4th place on his "Nordic
Top Ten" (www.feber.se). A spot with S&S will be shown in Swedish
TV-program "Musikbyrån" this fall...
September 15, 2001
Sagor&Swing plays at the club "Vägra Köa",
Bläckfisken (formerly C2-bar), Lilla Nyg. 21, Gamla Stan,
Stockholm on saturday sep 22nd , door opens at 20.00, free entrance.
For a map and more info; www.listen.to/indiedragster. Also,
Sagor&Swing, RockOut w. guests and more on oct 4th at Mosebacke,
July 29, 2001
mp3 from Pillow's Three Henries is now available for download. Sagor
& Swing will play at festival Blowup a Panda, Haninge, Stockholm
4-5 aug (more
July 17, 2001
New Record on Häpna; Pillow - "Three Henries", available now.
Distribution in the States and Canada through :explain (released
in the US, beginning of august).
July 16, 2001
Website re:designed and updated by Andreas Berthling
June 27, 2001
Sagor & Swing will play at festivals in Sweden this summer: On Juli
28, at Tullarock, Ängelholm, and on August 9-11, at the Emmaboda
festival. A new review of the Sheriff CD and an article on Sagor &
Swing (see link on their info page) were added.
June 15, 2001
Sagor & Swing will play an acoustic set (accordion and Mali drum?)
at Läckerbitens källare in Stockholm on June 19
(Götgatan 97, kl 20-01, 20 kr, 20 år). New reviews of the
old CDs.
June 8, 2001
New reviews of the latest two CDs and an interview with Sheriff in
Swedish paper Göteborgs-Posten.
June 1, 2001
The Benno mailorder (web address on the Contact page) functions as the
Swedish distributor of Sheriff and Sagor & Swing. It has come to
our attention, somewhat surprisingly, that the titles on our CDs are
hard to read. We have therefore included them on the info page of each
May 27, 2001
Reviews of the new CDs (in Swedish). The CD by Toshiya Tsunoda is now
sold out.
May 21, 2001
Sagor & Swing will perform on June 7, at Hannas krog, Stockholm and
on July 22, at a music festival in Ängelholm (and don't forget the
Alvglans performance on May 26). In Gothenburg, the CDs are available
at the Skivhugget, Bengans and Blenda record shops.
May 15, 2001
A few new reviews.
May 10, 2001
Mp3s of all five CDs are uploaded.
May 03, 2001
Info and a story about Sagor & Swing by Johan Jacobsson was added.
Mp3s too. The next release will be a CD called Three Henries with the
American quartet Pillow (Michael Colligan, Fred Lonberg-Holm, Liz Payne
and Ben Vida).
Apr 28, 2001
Info of the Sheriff CD is available. Sagor & Swing will perform at
the Alvglans comic store (Folkungagatan 84, in Stockholm) on the 26th
of May, 15.00 (3 pm). Free entrance. In Stockholm, CDs of Sagor &
Swing and Sheriff are available at the Pet Sounds and Freak Scene
record stores. The third night at Mosebacke is unfortunately cancelled,
but hopefully the concert series will continue in the fall. (The first
night featured performances by David Stackenäs, Andreas Tilliander
(Mokira) and Andreas Berthling.)
Apr 11, 2001
Pictures of the Sheriff and Sagor & Swing CDs were added.
Mar 22, 2001
Two new CDs - by Sheriff and Sagor & Swing - are soon to be
released. Both bands perform on April 5th at Mosebacke, Stockholm (at
the Crazy Wisdom Center night). The CDs will be available there. More
info about these releases soon.
Feb 26, 2001
Några recensioni uppladdade.
Feb 02, 2001
Several new reviews were added. We also have better distribution of H.2
and H.3.
Jan 10, 2001
Sound excerpts from our CDs were uploaded (downloadable Real Audio
format). Tracks from the Tsunoda CD have been omitted because we were
not able to make RA-tracks that sounded satisfactory (i.e. which kept
the intentional humming and warbling sounds, but not added any
unintentional humming and warbling sounds)
Jan 01, 2001
The first reviews of the Carl/Johansson and the Stackenäs CDs were
added. Happy new year everyone! http://www.bioljus.com
Nov 30, 2000
Info about the Carl/Johansson CD was added, including a short history
of the duo by Rüdiger Carl. Also new are two distributors which
carry all our CDs to date ? The Nursery (Swe) and Fringes (Ita).
Oct 25, 2000
A chance to see D Stackenäs play live with Sonic Youth, Jim
O'Rourke, Loren MazzaCane Connors and others took place some days ago
at Ystad Museum of Modern Art, Sweden. JO'R, LMC and the SY members
each got one night to organize as they wished. One of the
organizers/participants in this unique event, saxophonist Mats
Gustafsson, has written a text (AND A POEM !!!) for the Stackenäs
CD. Actually R Carl and S-Å Johansson took part in the Ystad
event too (S-Å J opened for SY), so it was rather
Häpna-heavy. A review of the Tsunoda disc in Auf Abwegen was
added. It's in German and hopefully it's positive. A link to Klas'
homepage was added too.
Oct 10, 2000
Two new releases were added: 1) H.2, a CD with duo recordings by German
/ Swedish improvisors Rüdiger Carl and Sven-Åke Johansson,
and 2) H.3, a solo guitar CD by Swedish improvisor David
Stackenäs. The site had a general update, and new features were
introduced including this news log. We'll see for how long it will be
on this site (you know were to read all about it if it suddenly
disappears). A silent promise was made to update the site more often.